In ancient times, dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures roamed freely in a lush landscape. Today, the continent of Antarctica holds the evidence of that ancient world, frozen beneath its ice and snow. As the climate changes again, melting Antarctic ice is allowing scientists to discover the remains of the past—including the fossils of those distinctive dinosaurs.
Viewers of all ages will enjoy meeting the newest dinosaurs, like Cryolophosaurus and Glacialisaurus,and other creatures in the film—as well as the dedicated scientists who explore the warming continent to find them and understand their habitat. Beyond presenting the reassembled skeletal structures on the giant screen, the film uses computer graphics to recreate the spectacular appearance and movement of the newly-discovered species.Some are bizarre and fearsome reptiles, like the meat-eating Erythrosuchus with its huge jaw and deadly bite.
Others, like the plant-eating Lystrosaurus with its clownish feet and horned beaks, are more likely to prompt giggles than gasps when they appear onscreen.While memories of these fascinating creatures will linger, it is perhaps the images of the continent itself, with its magnificent and breathtaking vistas, and its powerful story of transformation over time, that will leave the deepest impression.
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