Spark Field Trip Guidebook

The Spark Field Trip Guidebook

What to expect for your Spark visit

The Spark Field Trip Guide Book


Payment must be made before or upon arrival at Spark. Failure to do so may result in delay or cancellation of your program. Immediately upon arrival, one teacher from the group must check in at the front desk to confirm numbers, make payment and pick up chaperone lanyards. This is best done before students leave their bus. To make a payment in advance, please call the program bookings team at 403-817-6800.

The Welcome Orientation

A Spark Science Educator will greet groups at the door and guide you to a space for the welcome orientation. This includes an introduction to the science centre spaces and activities, behaviour expectations, storage cabinet locations and program meeting locations.

Storage Cabinets

Each group will be assigned a set of cabinets to use throughout the day. Space is limited, so students should bring only the essentials. Each cabinet can take 10 backpacks so be prepared to squish in! Please do not put wet shoes or boots inside the cabinets. Also, please note that these cabinets do not lock, so leave valuables at home/school or keep them with you. Spark is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Location For Your Program

School programs are hosted in the Learning Centre (second floor). Each group will have a designated program meeting place in the Learning Centre (marked by scientific symbols like a microscope), where a Spark Science Educator will meet you when it’s time for your program. Teachers and chaperones must be present to assist with classroom management and may be asked to run stations.

Lunch and Snacks

Please eat in the Atrium and Brainasium Outdoor Park (weather permitting). Spark is unable to assign lunch spaces and space is limited, so groups may have to split up. Please do not eat on the floor in the Learning Centre or in the Spark Eatery (unless you are purchasing food).


Unless an elevator is absolutely required, students must use the stairs only.

Creative Kids Museum

This space (entrance past the orange wall behind the information desk) is for students 8 years old and younger. It is a safe space for small kids. Older kids are welcome to enjoy the rest of the science centre.

Infinity Dome Theatre

School groups are welcome to attend public viewings of shows in the Infinity Dome theatre. Seating is first-come-first-served, so arrive early. You can find the schedule here(showtimes). Please note that groups are no longer able to book the dome for a movie but you can try one of our new live dome shows! new live dome shows!

Teacher and Chaperone Roles

  • Help students have a safe and respectful visit by following the Spark Social Contract.
  • Be present in school programs and workshops as you may be asked to help.
  • Learning at Spark is student-centred, so please act as a guide rather than doing the activity for them.
  • Teachers and chaperones are always in charge of classroom management and welcome to share strategies that may help your students find their successes. 

Commitment to Diversity

Spark is committed to honouring diverse ways of knowing and ways of being. Don’t be surprised if our educators introduce themselves with their pronouns, or you come across reproductive science in the store and Being Human gallery, or you encounter Indigenous Science and acknowledgement of the land throughout your visit.

Assistance Throughout the Visit

Spark Science Educators and staff are happy to help you at anytime, so look for those with a silver jacket or vest, a Spark name-tag or at the information desk will be happy to help you! For any safety, first aid or lost student concerns, please notify a staff member right away.

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